
Libyan Civil War I

AFV Wars Weapons 4 Min Read

To get a grasp on the recent history of Libya and its various conflicting groups one must go back to the military coup of 1969. In this year little known Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi took power and began the transformation of Libya into Islamic Socialist state or his version of it. While he implemented housing, health care and educational programmes at…


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North Korean Army Attacks

Camouflaged North Korean T34 tanks and motor cycle combinations enter Taejon city after the eviction of the US 24th Infantry Division. Marines from the 1st Marine Division entering Seoul accompanied by late-production M4A3 (HVSS) 105mm-armed Sherman tanks, the nearest of which mounts a bulldozer blade. This North Korean T-34 was…

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Anglo-Burmese ‘Difficulties’

Storming Myat-Toon’s stronghold, February 1853, Burma, a biographical sketch of Lieutenant General Garnet Joseph Wolseley (1833-1913), illustration from the magazine The Graphic, volume XXVI, no 675, November 4, 1882. In India, the years 1851–54 were full of minor campaigns and military expeditions: there were operations against the Waziris in 1851–52;…

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Iraqi Estimates and Dispositions 1991

Disposition of Iraq’s Army at the beginning of the ground war, 24 February 1991. Saddam’s intelligence organization, the General Military Intelligence Directorate (GMID), may have shared his aspirations, but not his optimism. From the beginning of the crisis, GMID assessed the Americans as likely to attack. In August the directorate…

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French Wars of Religion 1562–98

Huguenot Gendarmes 1567 The Battle of Ivry was fought on 14 March 1590, during the French Wars of Religion. The battle was a decisive victory for Henry IV of France, leading Huguenot forces against the Catholic League forces led by the Duc de Mayenne. Henry’s forces were victorious and he…

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Jacobites and French Invasion

The Battle of La Hogue, by Adriaen van Diest. This marked the end of the action, which had been a complete success for the allied fleet; 12 French ships of the line and a number of smaller ships had been destroyed, with minimal English casualties. The action also dashed any…

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Venice – A Call to Arms

At the height of its intervention on the mainland, Venice could maintain a force of forty thousand troops. It was estimated by the reigning doge, in 1423, that the city possessed thirty-five galleys, three hundred round ships and three thousand other vessels; they required a complement of thirty-six thousand sailors,…

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Uniforms of Italian Wars (1494-1559)

A series of sharp but also intermittent conflicts broke out over control of Italy at…

War Junks

There are many types of sea-going Chinese Junks. They usually have a high stern and…

Army Group North’s Years of Hope and Frustration I

1941: Race to Moscow, German Army Group North, the leadership. The German Push to Leningrad…

Algerian War (1954–1962)

SS 11 missiles on a Dassault Flamant – Algerie In 1956, using helicopters in a…