
The Polish Succession: 1733–1739 – In Italy

Austria France History Italy 6 Min Read

Battle of Guastalla In February 1733, Augustus of Saxony, king of Poland, died. Poland was an elective monarchy and both Louis XV of France and Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, proposed their own candidates. Vienna supported Augustus III, the elector of Saxony; Versailles wanted a former king of Poland, Stanislas Leszczynski, father-in-law to Louis XV. Neither could compromise on a…


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Austria France History Italy 12 Min Read

The War of Austrian Succession: 1740-1748 – In Italy

The death of the Chevalier de Belle-Isle, Battle of Assietta. In October 1740, Emperor Charles VI died. In his youth he had held title as the Archduke Charles, claimant to the Spanish crown and for whom the Habsburgs waged the War for the Spanish Succession. He left a single heir,…

Air Warfare British Italy Naval History 65 Min Read

Taranto 1940 Part I

Taranto, an ancient town of something like 150,000 inhabitants, had so far been troubled less by war than by foul weather. During the first days of November heavy storms had damaged or destroyed many of its protective ring of balloons and it had not been possible to repair or replace…

Air Warfare British Italy Naval History 21 Min Read

Taranto 1940 Part II

DEBITS AND CREDITS Mr Churchill, in accordance with his nature, expressed a view rather more generous than that of the Admiral. On the day after the Stringbags, less two, had returned to the nest he stood up in Parliament and spoke with feeling. The Prime Minister deserved his opportunity after…

Byzantine Italy Medieval 14 Min Read

Sicily between Byzantium and the Islamic World

The Hariri Ship, the first known picture of an Arab sailing vessel. Map of the Arab–Byzantine naval conflict in the Mediterranean, 7th–11th centuries. Map of southern Italy in the 10th century. Byzantine provinces (themes) in yellow, Lombard principalities in other colours. Afterwards, the Saracens who had sailed from Rome came…

Armies Battle Italy 24 Min Read


Like many tribal societies, the ethnic groups of Ethiopia put a strong emphasis on martial ability. Boys were trained from early childhood in the use of the sword, spear and shield. Every man yearned to own a gun, not just for what it would do for him on the battlefield,…

Italy Spain 19 Min Read


Italian members of the Corpo Truppe Volontarie which assisted Franco’s forces throughout the war. They wear mounted troops’ bandoliers, and most are armed with the M1891 Carcano carbine with a permanently attached folding bayonet. The first foreign armour to enter service with the Nationalists were five Italian CV 3/35 tankettes,…

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Uniforms of Italian Wars (1494-1559)

A series of sharp but also intermittent conflicts broke out over control of Italy at…


Medieval Prints by Graham Turner Although firmly rooted and fairly well developed in the Rhineland,…

Italian Renaissance Infantry

It is a commonly held view that disciplined and effective infantry largely disappeared from the…

Warfare in Renaissance Italy

At the conclusion of the fifteenth century, Italy remained divided. There were four kingdoms: Sardinia,…