
Austrian Army Spanish War of Succession

Armies Austria Ottoman 7 Min Read

The Habsburg Empire dominated Germanic central Europe at the start of the eighteenth century, dwarfing its rivals in size, population, and military might. Prussia numbered only 1.6 million persons and Bavaria 2.0 million; the Habsburg lands held 11.0 million. In the first decades of the century, Habsburg armies under the skilful command of Prince Eugene of Savoy had fought well…


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Austria Battle Prussia 30 Min Read

The Battle of Torgau II

Frederick the Great greets General Zieten after the Battle of Torgau. Frederick’s first attempt to take the high ground at Torgau failed, but the arrival of General von Zieten’s troops ultimately enabled the Prussians to capture Suptitzer Heights. In the meanwhile, the march of the three Prussian columns northward was…

Austria Battle Prussia 31 Min Read

The Battle of Torgau III

Prussian cuirassiers in white uniforms charge the Austrian right flank late in the day.   The heavy fighting throughout the day had set parts of Suptitz on fire, but the inferno did not deter Frederick’s infantry from storming the village to help win the day. Painting by Gunter Dorn. As…

Austria Naval History 10 Min Read

Austrian and Hungarian Warships on the Danube

The Habsburg Monarchy had never been a maritime power to be taken seriously – despite its Adriatic ports, its rule in the Southern Netherlands and two decades of control over Naples and Sicily. For centuries, the Venetians had successfully prevented any Austrian shipping in the Adriatic, and the Maritime Powers…

Austria Battle British France Germany Italy Siege 11 Min Read


In October 1707, Association, commanded by Captain Edmund Loades and with Admiral Shovell on board, was returning from the Mediterranean after the Toulon campaign. She was lost in 1707 by grounding on the Isles of Scilly in the greatest maritime disaster of the age. This was a highly successful combined…

Austria France Prussia Russia 24 Min Read

Germany – 1813

Russian, Austrian, and Prussian troops in Leipzig. Painting by Alexander Sauerweid. The Treaty of Reichenbach between Austria, Russia and Prussia signed on 27 June set out the four minimal Austrian conditions and guaranteed that Austria would enter the war unless Napoleon had accepted them by the expiry of the armistice…

Austria Naval History Warship 15 Min Read

The Sinking of the Szent Istvan

Death at Dawn – The Emperor’s Last Battleship. Szent Istvan. from Stephan Mussil on Vimeo. The Austro-Hungarian Navy in late WWI had suffered a consistent decline and severe setbacks. Since 1917, the Allies had begun to use large convoys in the Mediterranean and the Adriatic in order to maintain their…

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WWI Austro-Hungarian Small Arms Part I

Roth-Steyr Models 1907 and 1912 Austria-Hungary finally moved to replace its aging Rast-Gasser revolvers with…

Austro-Hungarian Cavalry WWI

Pack-horse of a cavalry machine gun detachment; members of these and the telegraph detachments were…

Austria’s Opening Disasters – WWI

Austria’s decision for war against Serbia was not a product of fatalism, fecklessness, or incompetence.…

The War of Austrian Succession: 1740-1748 – In Italy

The death of the Chevalier de Belle-Isle, Battle of Assietta. In October 1740, Emperor Charles…