
Han Dynasty Frontier Armies

China History Operations Organisation 13 Min Read

One of the key transformations of Chinese society during the Han was the abolition of universal military service, an institution that had underpinned the Warring States and the Qin.22 With the Han’s defeat of the feudatory kingdoms in 154 B.C., the possibility of large-scale warfare in the interior of China vanished, leaving only the threat of the Xiongnu on the…


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China 26 Min Read

Reassessing the Sino-Vietnamese conflict 1979 I

A Vietnamese military officer standing on the wreckage of a destroyed Chinese tank in Cao Bang during the Sino-Vietnamese War China’s invasion of Vietnam, 1979 PLA Operations along the Sino-Vietnamese Border, 1981–1984 The classic Sun Tzu adage of war, “Know the enemy and know yourself,” writ large, is a fundamental…

China 25 Min Read

Reassessing the Sino-Vietnamese conflict 1979 II

Vietnamese artillery bombarding Chinese troops, 23 February 1979 Vietnamese Military Dispositions since 1979 China’s Failure to Use Air Power Despite China’s strategic success, the campaign revealed numerous deficiencies in the PLA’s doctrine and tactics. Many were associated with its outdated military philosophy and tradition. The PLA continued to exhibit its…

China 28 Min Read

Reassessing the Sino-Vietnamese conflict 1979 III

October 14, 1986: After leading the attack on the Vietnamese position, Ma Quanbin, captain of the Chinese strike force, reports to the command. The Battles of Laoshan and Bailihedongshan, 1984–1987 Vietnamese Strategy and Tactics Prior to the late 1970s, the PLA paid scant attention to the combat doctrine and tactics…

China History Mongol 17 Min Read

Khubilai Khan, Tibet, and the Yüan Dynasty

Chinggis retired to Mongolia in 1223. He now turned his attention to the Tanguts, who had failed to send their warriors to join the campaign against the Khwarizmians in 1218, as they had promised to do as vassals of the Mongols. The Tanguts had also withdrawn their troops from the…

China Weapons 5 Min Read

CSS-X-20 (DF-41), a new Chinese ICBM

China is developing the CSS-X-20 (DF-41), a new road-mobile ICBM possibly capable of carrying a MIRV payload. China appears to be considering additional DF-41 launch options, including rail-mobile and silo basing. The DF-41, which is expected to have a range of about 14,000 kilometers and be mobile. China has conducted…

China France Japan Wars 31 Min Read

Sino-Japanese War

The Battle of the Yalu River (“Naval Battle of the Yellow Sea”) was the largest naval engagement of the Qing-Japan War, and took place on 17 September 1894, the day after the Japanese victory at the land Battle of Pyongyang. It involved ships from the Imperial Japanese Navy and the…

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Weaponry in the Chinese Civil War

The Gongchen tank displayed at the Beijing Military Museum. The Gongchen is the Chinese designation…

Chinese Invention – Ship’s Rudder

Han Dynasty: circa 202 BC – 220 AD Chinese naval developments occurred far earlier than…

War Junks

There are many types of sea-going Chinese Junks. They usually have a high stern and…

The Chinese War Junk I

Junk is a type of ancient Chinese sailing ship that is still in use today.…