
2nd South Staffords – Arnhem Part II

British Operations Personnel 18 Min Read

Men of the 2nd Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment advance toward Arnhem, towing a 6-pounder anti-tank gun with them, 18 September. The 2nd South Staffordshires The main attack on the upper road, by Lieutenant-Colonel Derek McCardie’s battalion along the Utrechtseweg in front of St Elizabeth Hospital, started half an hour late, at 4.30 a. m. D Company led off, followed by…


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British France Operations 9 Min Read

Suez Operation II

Professed patriots of all classes and political persuasions rallied behind the embattled government, regarding the Gaitskellite assault as treason. Lord Home, an appeaser at Munich but an aggressor at Suez, assured Eden: “If our country rediscovers its soul and inspiration, your calm courage will have achieved this miracle.” The Suez…

Air Warfare History Operations 14 Min Read

A Market and a Garden I

Since its founding in 1835 as a military garrison on the moors of northeast Belgium, the Flemish town of Bourg-LĂ©opold had seen fortune ebb and flow with each passing army. It was said that here the invading Germans in 1914 had first experimented with chlorinated gas. Between world wars, the…

Air Warfare Operations 14 Min Read

A Market and a Garden II

Ready to go! Many others invested in MARKET GARDEN also felt perturbations, though for reasons more tangible than superstitions about the Sabbath. Under relentless pressure on Eisenhower from George Marshall and others in Washington to get those airborne divisions into the fight, the plan had been slapped together in less…

Navies Operations Sail 10 Min Read

The Armada – The Combat

In this painting, the artist has brought together the two main events of 8 August. In the background the English fireships are making their night attack off Calais, while the English and Spanish ships in the foreground are fighting off Gravelines, a battle that lasted from the morning to the…

Ancient Warfare Naval Operations Sail 10 Min Read

Caesar’s Naval Campaign against the Veneti

Battle of Morbihan Since the destruction of the enemy fleet was the only permanent way to end this problem, Caesar directed his men to build ships. However, his galleys were at a serious disadvantage compared to the far thicker Veneti ships. The thickness of their ships meant they were resistant…

Germany Operations 5 Min Read

Barbarossa – German Arrogance

On 22 June 1941, at 0330 hours, mechanised Wehrmacht divisions, supported by Luftwaffe fighter-bombers, poured across the Niemen River into Russia. The date had been carefully chosen for its historical significance. Exactly 129 years before, on 22 June 1812, an apparently invincible Napoleon Bonaparte had also crossed the Niemen to…

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British coastal assault on St Cast in Brittany in September 1758. A German map, published…

Armor in the Pacific theater of World War II Part I

The use of armor in the Pacific during World War II began as an experimental…

Armor in the Pacific theater of World War II Part II

Peleliu On 15 September 1944, the 1st Marine Division assaulted the beaches of Peleliu. During…

Heavy artillery at Leningrad

The 35.5 cm Haubitze M1 was a German siege howitzer. It was developed by Rheinmetall…