
British Logistics – “mechanism of war” I

Armies British Doctrine 19 Min Read

In many respects the British army was equipped with weapons that were inferior to those of their enemies and until late 1942 they often lacked sufficient quantities of essential items. However, the British enjoyed one compensating advantage, their superior ability to provide their troops in the field with supplies and ordnance stores. This fact was fundamental to understanding how the…


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Armies 25 Min Read

Big Red One 1945 Part I

The Sixth Panzer Army attacks the northern shoulder of the “Bulge,” 16–23 December 1944. (Positions approximate) The optimistic predictions of the war being over by Christmas lay dead and frozen in the snow-shrouded fields of Western Europe and coagulating on the blood-soaked sands of tropical isles and atolls. The far-flung,…

Armies 27 Min Read

Big Red One 1945 Part II

The 1st Division’s drive from Aachen to Bonn. On 26 December 1944, the great Allied counter-counteroffensive began; the 1st Division’s part in it did not commence until 15 January, but the violence of it shattered the soldiers’ peaceful Christmas reveries. Hundreds of thousands of half-frozen GIs and British Tommies threw…

Armies Japan 24 Min Read

The Philippines 1944: Japanese Preparations and Plans II

Enemy Airfields Reported in Use, September 1944 Enemy Ground Dispositions, 30 September 1944 Army Plans On 24 July, the IGHQ’s Army section issued the basic order governing Army operations defending the inner zone of defense. The order repeated almost verbatim the IGHQ’s directive about the decisive battle and the anticipated…

Armies Cavalry France German Units 22 Min Read

French Cavalry 1914

The French strategic cavalry was composed of ten cavalry divisions. This strategic cavalry would be reinforced by infantry battalions and artillery. Each French corps had a light cavalry regiment assigned (six squadrons). There was no divisional cavalry. French reconnaissance patrols were to avoid combat. In reconnaissance and security the French…

AFV Armies British 15 Min Read

Grants – Fire Now!!!

Because British factories proved unable to build a sufficient number of tanks for their own forces, the British government received permission from the United States government to have a modified version of the M3 series of medium tanks built for use by their own army. The British-ordered M3 series medium…

Armies 23 Min Read

Continental Army Logistics

The Maryland soldier knew no more than any other ranker of the organization behind this state of affairs, which is to say that he knew very little. He may have been aware that the official apparatus for supplying the army began with Congress. If he did not know it, he…

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Hannibal and his staff at the battle of Zama – art by Giuseppe Rava The…

The Hanoverian Army at Waterloo

The Hanoverian contingent in Wellington’s army was integrated fully into the British divisional structure; it…

Renaissance Warfare I

As more centralized governments developed during the Later Middle Ages (1000-1500), significant changes took place…

The Mauryan Empire Military

Chandragupta governed a true monarchical imperial state. The king ruled with the help of a…