
Galicia 1914 PartĀ III

Austria Battle Russia 21 Min Read

This subtraction of strength on the eastern side allowed Conrad to hope for victory on the northern one. Here there was, in Conradā€™s words, ā€˜a happy beginningā€™. The three corps of the Russian IV Army advanced onto Austrian territory. Their cavalry-screen failed to reconnoitre; the armyā€™s passage was obscured by woods, hills, and marshy country; one of its corps, 14.,…


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Austria Battle France Germany Prussia Russia 17 Min Read


16ā€“18 October 1813 Johann Peter Krafft (1780-1856)-ā€˜victory declaration after the battle of Leipzig, 1813ā€™-oil on canvas-1813Ā Ā  Berlin-Deutsches Historiches Museum. The Battle of Leipzig, also known as the Battle of the Nations, was fought between Napoleon and the three Allied armies that had been approaching the city for several days: the…

Austria France Italy 18 Min Read

Franz Josephā€™s Empire, Sisi, and HungaryĀ I

Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph with his troops at the Battle of Solferino, 1859 On 6 October 1849, the former prime minister of Hungary, Count Louis BatthyĆ”ny, was taken into the courtyard of the main gaol of Pest. An Austrian military court had condemned him to hang for treason on account…

Austria 22 Min Read

Franz Josephā€™s Empire, Sisi, and HungaryĀ II

Kaiser Franz Josef I und Kaiserin Elisabeth In April 1859, the Austrian National Bank collapsed, refusing to honour its own currency. Franz Joseph had treated the bank as a ā€˜grand state treasuryā€™, taking what he needed, and he simply did not understand what it meant when earlier that year his…

Austria Battle France German Units 9 Min Read

Battle for Znaim

10-11 July 1809 This battle, the last fought during the War of the Fifth Coalition, occurred as a result of the French pursuit of the defeated Austrians after the Battle of Wagram (5-6 July 1809). Marshal Auguste de Marmont began the action on the tenth and was soon in difficulty.…

Austria Battle France Russia 25 Min Read

The Austrian Army Takes Stock: The 1798 Adjustierungsvorschrift

For the Austrian army it was indeed a moment to reflect on what had gone wrong in Italy and which reforms of tactics were now necessary. The practices of Guibert, the callous breaking of the rules of ā€˜civilisedā€™ warfare, required a response. The Archduke Charles began to apply his considerable…

Austria Battle France 32 Min Read

Marengo: a battleĀ won

The Battle of Marengo, by Louis-FranƧois Lejeune As the day of 14 June dawned, Melasā€™s troops were completing their concentration on the Scrivian plain near the village of Marengo. Melas knew his business well. He was old enough to remember the relevant lessons of the Seven Years War and under…

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WWI Austro-Hungarian Small Arms PartĀ I

Roth-Steyr Models 1907 and 1912 Austria-Hungary finally moved to replace its aging Rast-Gasser revolvers with…

Austro-Hungarian Cavalry WWI

Pack-horse of a cavalry machine gun detachment; members of these and the telegraph detachments were…

Austriaā€™s Opening Disasters ā€“Ā WWI

Austriaā€™s decision for war against Serbia was not a product of fatalism, fecklessness, or incompetence.…

The War of Austrian Succession: 1740-1748 ā€“ InĀ Italy

The death of the Chevalier de Belle-Isle, Battle of Assietta. In October 1740, Emperor Charles…