
Oriskany II

Baltic 26 Min Read

The ambush site was an excellent choice, and the deployment of the Tories and Indians was equally well adapted to the terrain. The spot selected was about six miles east of Fort Stanwix, where the military road on which Herkimer’s column was marching crossed a deep ravine about 700 feet wide and 50 feet deep. The summer rains had made…


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Baltic British France Germany 20 Min Read

Battle of the Marne: What If? Part I

In short the Battle of the Marne was actually three separate but interrelated battles—one on the Ourcq, one on the “Deux Morins,” and one on the Marshes of St. Gond. While a German breakthrough in any of these places could easily have spelled disaster for France, the strategic pivot of…

Air Warfare Baltic British Germany 10 Min Read


By STEPHEN BUNGAY In June 1940, having defeated France in one of the most spectacularly decisive land battles in military history, the German Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) expected his remaining adversary, Great Britain, to make peace. His expectation was reasonable. The British Foreign Minister, Lord Edward Frederick Lindley Wood…

Baltic Ukraine 4 Min Read

Forced labour

The Nazis planned to make the eastern colonies an agrarian appendage of the German empire. They preserved kolkhozes, believing that agrarian reform could disrupt production, whereas the collective farm system might ease the transfer of peasants from Communist to German serfs. German Minister of Agriculture Herbert Backe remarked that had…

Baltic PoW ROA SS Ukraine 13 Min Read

Book Review: Der Weg zurück: Die Repatriierung sowjetischer Zwangsarbeiter während und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.

Ulrike Goeken-Haidl. Der Weg zurĂĽck: Die Repatriierung sowjetischer Zwangsarbeiter während und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Essen: Klartext Verlag, 2006. 574 pp. EUR 39.90 (paper), ISBN 978-3-89861-615-7. Reviewed by Leonid Rein (International Institute for Holocaust Research Yad Vashem)Published on H-German (July, 2009)Commissioned by Susan R. Boettcher The Origins of the Cold…

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Book Review:An der Seite der Wehrmacht: Hitlers ausländische Helfer beim “Kreuzzug gegen den Bolschewismus” 1941-1945.

Rolf-Dieter MĂĽller. An der Seite der Wehrmacht: Hitlers ausländische Helfer beim “Kreuzzug gegen den Bolschewismus” 1941-1945. Berlin: Christoph Links Verlag, 2007. 280 pp. ISBN 978-3-86153-448-8; EUR 24.90 (cloth), ISBN 978-3-86153-448-8. Reviewed by Jeff Rutherford (Department of History, Wheeling Jesuit University)Published on H-German (April, 2009)Commissioned by Susan R. Boettcher A Reappraisal…

Baltic Cossack Piracy PoW ROA SS Ukraine 34 Min Read


Friends and Brothers! Bolshevism is the enemy of the Russian people. It has brought countless disasters to our country. Enough blood has been spilled! There has been enough starvation, forced labour and suffering in the Bolshevik torture chambers! Arise and join in the struggle for freedom! Long may peace with…

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Xanthippus of Carthage

Battle of Bagradas: Regulus’s defeat: Libya 255 BC. 255–245 BC Carthaginian Empire              Spartan mercenary…


Major-General Pajari, unaware that he is standing in a minefield on a makeshift speaker’s podium,…

7–12 June 1807: The Battle of Heilsberg

The Battle of Hellsberg, 10 June 1807. This is Wilson’s battle map of 1810, clearly…


It is truly ironic that the most numerous units of foreign nationals raised by the…