Ancient Warfare


Ancient Warfare 11 Min Read

Alexander the Great crossing the Granicus River. Greek warfare in the fourth century bc was based on the phalanx formation, made up primarily of heavy infantry known as hoplites (from hoplon, the weapons and accoutrements of war). The nature of warfare went back to early Hellenic times, when communities and later poleis (singular polis, city-state) were primarily agriculturally based and…


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Ancient Warfare 7 Min Read

Descent of the Indus

In September 326, the Macedonian forces returned from their campaign in the eastern Punjab to Nicaea and Bucephala on the Hydaspes. The new settlements had been ravaged by the monsoon, but the fleet building program begun in the month after Alexander’s victory over Porus was in full swing. In addition…

Ancient Warfare Roman 5 Min Read


A few weeks after his great victory over the Helvetii, Caesar learned of a new, pressing danger. This time it was German tribesmen, led by a king named Ariovistus. The Germanic tribesmen were distantly related to the Gauls, but there the comparison ended. The Germans were known for being much…

Ancient Warfare China 11 Min Read

Han-Era Military Problems

With the creation of the Qin and Han empires came the rise of the Xiongnu nomads. These people were considered barbarians by the Chinese because they did not farm or dwell in cities. Instead they lived off of their livestock—mainly horses, cows, and sheep—which they herded from pasture to pasture…

Ancient Warfare Weapons 10 Min Read

Fire-spears, fire-tubes, and the true gun Part I

The military treatise of Jiao Yu and Liu Ji went into a great amount of detail on the gunpowder weapons of their time. The fire lance and fire tube (i.e. a combination of a firearm and flamethrower) came in many different versions and were styled with many different names by…

Ancient Warfare Medieval Weapons 10 Min Read

Fire-spears, fire-tubes, and the true gun Part II

In China, the first cannon–barrel design portrayed in artwork was a stone sculpture dated to 1128 AD, found in Sichuan province, although the oldest archaeological discovery of a cannon is a bronze cannon of China inscribed with the date “2nd year of the Dade era, Yuan Dynasty” (1298 AD). The…

Ancient Warfare Naval Operations Sail 10 Min Read

Caesar’s Naval Campaign against the Veneti

Battle of Morbihan Since the destruction of the enemy fleet was the only permanent way to end this problem, Caesar directed his men to build ships. However, his galleys were at a serious disadvantage compared to the far thicker Veneti ships. The thickness of their ships meant they were resistant…

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Hannibal and his staff at the battle of Zama – art by Giuseppe Rava The…

The Frankish Way of War

The kingdoms and peoples of Europe and North Africa just before the East Roman Emperor…


The almost constant warfare among the Sumerian city-states for 2,000 years spurred the development of…

Etruscan Warriors

1. EARLY VILLANOVAN CULTURE, 9th–8th CENTURIES BC.(1) Leader with war-chariot, Tarchuna area. The early example…