
Did Commandos Make a Difference?

SpecForce 12 Min Read

What of the “supersoldiers,” the Western commandos who often operated in conjunction with local resistance fighters and garnered so much attention both from contemporaries and from posterity? What was their impact? Their dramatic contributions cannot be denied. Heroic World War II special operations have provided rich inspiration for a long line of books, movies, and television shows, ranging from Alistair…


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Air Warfare Battle SpecForce 39 Min Read


Men from No.2 Commando (No. 11 Special Air Service Battalion) who participated in Operation Colossus Hughes, Norman; Tragino Aqueduct; Airborne Assault Museum; http://www.artuk.org/artworks/tragino-aqueduct-224940 In June 1940, Britain had withdrawn its army out of the jaws of death from Dunkirk. In just under 50 days, the German Wehrmacht had overrun Norway,…

Air Warfare SpecForce 23 Min Read


The formation, organization, and operation of the U.S. Army Parachute Test Platoon in June 1940 is a well-known story in the annals of special purpose, special mission organizations. This was, however, the first of two test platoons at the Army’s Parachute School at Fort Benning. The second was activated on…

British SpecForce 15 Min Read

“Libyan Taxi Service.”

LRDG Headquarters Section (note markings on “Louise”) of Chevrolet 30 cwt. The first two vehicles are armed with Vickers guns, and have canvas sand mats rolled up and stored on the front wheel arches. Later the SAS had their own transport. Before a desert raid. Stirling standing at right. It…

Italy SpecForce Warship 9 Min Read


An Italian CB-class submarine Although the presence of midget submarines on both sides was rumoured during the Russo-Japanese War, the Italian Navy may claim to have been the first to deploy midgets in 20th-century warfare. During World War I, a few small submersibles of c.16 tons (16.25 tonnes) surfaced displacement…

ANZAC SpecForce 24 Min Read


The first major Australian SAS operation began on 21 June 1965, when a patrol led by Corporal John Robinson helped guide a company of Gurkhas under the command of a British officer, Captain Ashman, to attack Lumbis, a village about ten kilometres inside Indonesian territory. After three days walking, they reached…

Sea Landing SpecForce 13 Min Read

“River Raid on Korea”

Map of the American Naval Operations in Korea, 1871. The largest-scale combat in which Leathernecks participated in the three decades following the Civil War was the Korean Expedition of 1871. On 23 May of that year, five vessels of Rear Admiral John Rodgers’s Asiatic Fleet—the frigate Colorado, sloops Alaska and…

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Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) Vehicles

Artist Christophe Camilotte Long Range Desert Group Motto: Non vi sed arte – Not by…

HERBSTNEBEL – Special Forces

Above is one of the rare pictures of this operation. Von Der Heydte is on…

The Assault on Levita

The survivors of the enemy convoy sunk on 7 October 1943 were landed on Stampalia,…

The Brandenburgers

A force of 62 Brandenburgers under the command of Baron Adrian von Fölkersam penetrated far…