Baltic Cossack Piracy PoW ROA SS Ukraine 34 Min Read

Friends and Brothers! Bolshevism is the enemy of the Russian people. It has brought countless disasters to our country. Enough blood has been spilled! There has been enough starvation, forced labour and suffering in the Bolshevik torture chambers! Arise and join in the struggle for freedom! Long may peace with honour with Germany prevail! General Vlasov’s appeal to the Russian…


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PoW SS 37 Min Read

Prague 1945

Until the end of April Bohemia, Moravia, and the Sudetenland lay quietly, like an enchanted island, amid the tempests all around. In March of 1939 the Czech provinces of Bohemia and Moravia had been made into a “Protectorate” under German domination. Future generations will perhaps see nothing unusual in the…

PoW SS 15 Min Read

1942- One Last Opportunity: The German Experience with Indigenous Security Forces

Bronislav Kaminski, leader of the RONA. by Major Bob E. Willis Jr. U.S. Army   The German Army had one last opportunity in 1942 to recover from its failure to secure the occupied areas and pre-empt the massive expansion of the partisan war to an uncontrollable scale. A number of…

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It is truly ironic that the most numerous units of foreign nationals raised by the…

1942- One Last Opportunity: The German Experience with Indigenous Security Forces

Bronislav Kaminski, leader of the RONA. by Major Bob E. Willis Jr. U.S. Army  …


“Ostarbeiter” (eastern workers) were mostly eastern European women brought to Germany for forced labor. They…


The German prisoner of war camps, containing millions of Soviet prisoners, were a potential source…