

China 5 Min Read

President Franklin D. Roosevelt initially had extremely high hopes for a major contribution by the Guomindang to the defeat of Japan. He authorized a “thirty division plan” to train and equip Chinese troops to engage the Japanese Army on the mainland of Asia. U.S. advisors poured into China in 1942, and Jiang’s paper divisional strength soon reached impressive numbers: over…


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China Warship 5 Min Read

China’s Type 055 destroyer

The Nanchang at the 2019 review They are Asia’s largest and most advanced destroyers, designed to guard China’s first home-grown aircraft carrier and meet the navy’s demand for modern warships. Moving at top speed to build up a global blue-water navy to safeguard its maritime interests, China has launched four…

China Wars 40 Min Read

The Chinese Cross the Yalu

The Peoples Liberation Army’s communications were inferior in comparison to the UN forces. Radios were only issued down to regiments, who then used field telephones if available, to contact their battalions. Battalions then used bugles, whistles and runners to talk to each other and their subordinate companies. Chinese reinforcements advancing…

Battle China 8 Min Read

Battle of Shanhaiguan

Date: May 28, 1644 Location: Shanhaiguan, Hebei Province, northeast China Opponents: (* winner) *Manzhu and Ming forces Rebels Commander: Dorgon (Manzhu commander); Wu Sangui (Ming army) Li Zicheng Approx. # Troops: 60,000 Manzhus; 40,000 Mings 60,000 Importance: Brings establishment of the Qing Dynasty The Battle of Shanhaiguan (Shanhaikuan, or the…

China 14 Min Read

The Two Chinas

The Gang of Four at their trial in 1981 The collapse of the Guomindang regime and Jiang’s flight to Taiwan did not end China’s civil war. Mao proclaimed the People’s Republic (PRC) in Beijing, but Jiang still insisted that his regime was the legitimate government of the Republic of China…

Air Warfare China 11 Min Read


Republic of China Air Force’s clandestine overflights over the Chinese mainland in the 1950s The Republic of China had, since its inception on the islands of Taiwan, been actively supported by the United States, for no other reason than that it was opposed to the communist People’s Republic of China…

Air Warfare China 16 Min Read


RF-101A-25-MC. This aircraft on display 1987 at Chung Cheng Aviation Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. The second Voodoo loss occurred on December 18, 1964, when an RF-101A Voodoo was shot down by a Shenyang J-6 over Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province. The pilot, Captain Hsieh was taken captive by fishermen after baling out…

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Weaponry in the Chinese Civil War

The Gongchen tank displayed at the Beijing Military Museum. The Gongchen is the Chinese designation…

Chinese Invention – Ship’s Rudder

Han Dynasty: circa 202 BC – 220 AD Chinese naval developments occurred far earlier than…

War Junks

There are many types of sea-going Chinese Junks. They usually have a high stern and…

The Chinese War Junk I

Junk is a type of ancient Chinese sailing ship that is still in use today.…