

Battle China Japan 31 Min Read

The Battle of Shanghai, 1937 Thirteen years after Commodore Matthew Perry steamed into Tokyo Bay, a nationalist rebellion overthrew the conservative Tokugawa Shogunate, installed the Emperor Meiji in power, and implemented a program of sweeping national reform. In an act no less stunning than the revolution itself, nearly all of the former ruling families voluntarily surrendered their power to the…


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China Naval Strategy 28 Min Read


The South China Sea on the “Day after Taiwan” The South China Sea offers an ideal case study for future conflict off Chinese shores. Chinese and Western strategists once forecast that the Pacific Ocean constituted the most likely theater of twenty-first-century maritime competition between the United States and China. Admiral…

China Naval Strategy 23 Min Read


Strategic Preference #3: Mao Zedong, Meet Alfred Thayer Mahan The strategic preferences we are discussing are not fixed; they are leanings. As the PLA Navy approaches parity with the U.S. Navy, Mao’s grammar of active defense will come to resemble the Mahanian scheme for concentrated fleet-on-fleet engagements. Recall that the…

Ancient Warfare Armies China Roman 16 Min Read


During the reign of Emperor Wu, he sent out Zhang Qian as his envoy to distant lands in the west, he brought back important information in regards to the Kushans, the Sogdians, and the Bactrians, as well as Parthia. Though the Xiongnu still operated fiercely in the area during his…

Air Warfare China Japan 15 Min Read

Manchurian WWII Air Force I

Until just five years ago, Manchurians were little more than backward bandits squabbling over pieces of torn fiefdoms. Today, we operate our own air force against all the enemies of a modernized Manchukuo. -Nobuhiro Uta, 1st Lieutenant, Doi ManshuTeikoku Kugun’ In 1640, Ming Dynasty control over China was falling apart.…

Air Warfare China Japan 18 Min Read

Manchurian WWII Air Force II

This major Arawasi publication, the result of more than ten years of exhaustive research in Japan by the authors George Eleftheriou and Kiri Domoto-Eleftheriou, includes hundreds of newly discovered, photos, most of high quality, and original material and information never covered in any publication before. Contents: * Pre-Manchukuo aviation in…

China Soviet 8 Min Read

Damansky Island (Zhenbao Island)

The Damansky Island (Zhenbao dao) is located in the Ussuri (Wusuli) River. It is about 200 meters to the Chinese side and 300 meters to the Russian side. The total area of the island is 0.74 square kilometers. Its middle part is a swampland with forests in the surrounding areas.…

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Weaponry in the Chinese Civil War

The Gongchen tank displayed at the Beijing Military Museum. The Gongchen is the Chinese designation…

Chinese Invention – Ship’s Rudder

Han Dynasty: circa 202 BC – 220 AD Chinese naval developments occurred far earlier than…

War Junks

There are many types of sea-going Chinese Junks. They usually have a high stern and…

The Chinese War Junk I

Junk is a type of ancient Chinese sailing ship that is still in use today.…