
Ottoman Invasions of Austria and Vienna Late 17th Century Part II

Austria Ottoman Wars 11 Min Read

Siege of Vienna 1683 The Turks, as a consequence of Kara Mustafa’s dash for Vienna, brought with them only five mortars and 112 cannon. They had no heavy pieces at all, and only seventeen of medium calibre (up to 221-pounders) (Morz, 1983, 19). However, Kara Mustafa commanded a total of 90,000 men, of whom 15,000-20,000 were elite regulars. He was…


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Austria Battle France 13 Min Read

Disaster at Hohenlinden

Moreau at Hohenlinden (Galerie des Batailles, Palace of Versailles) The weather had turned to snow and sleet, making it increasingly difficult for the Austrian scouts to judge either the strength of their opponents or their precise dispositions. This contributed significantly to the slow speed at which Lauer advanced, and it…

Austria France 22 Min Read

Ulm and the unfortunate Mack

Thus was the scene set for depriving the Austrians of the one general who might have averted the multiple disasters that would fall upon their armies in the months of 1805. Because Charles argued so forcefully that ‘the Adige must therefore be considered the first and most preferable theatre of…

Austria Battle France Russia 21 Min Read

The Pratzen heights: Austerlitz

Napoléon at the Battle of Austerlitz, by François Gérard Between Brünn and Olmütz, where the allies were concentrating, Napoleon carefully reconnoitred the landscape and found, a few miles outside Brünn, the Pratzen plateau. He felt sure this would be where his troops would fight a great battle. At Olmütz meanwhile,…

Austria Biography 41 Min Read

Metternich and the Map of Europe

Clemens von Metternich came to office as Austrian foreign minister in 1809. A Rhinelander who had lost all to revolutionary France and Napoleon, his debts were at the time of his appointment reckoned at 1.25 million gulden. His master, Emperor Francis II (1792–1835), was bankrupt too. Unable to redeem the…

Austria Battle Italy 22 Min Read

Italian First Offensives 1915 Part I

Yellowed prints of the 1866 border show simple guardhouses beside stone bridges. Farmers pose, squinting, by the barrier poles alongside their carts and livestock, while children play at the roadside under listless flags. Few traces of that frontier can be seen today. On the outskirts of Cormons, a guardhouse has…

Austria Battle Italy 25 Min Read

Italian First Offensives 1915 Part II

Looking from the western rim of the Isonzo valley, across to Mount Mrzli. The Italians clawed their way up this 1,200-metre face, but could not take the summit. Colonel De Rossi’s view in May 1915 was from a lower elevation. The fight for the Rocca on 9 June was fierce…

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WWI Austro-Hungarian Small Arms Part I

Roth-Steyr Models 1907 and 1912 Austria-Hungary finally moved to replace its aging Rast-Gasser revolvers with…

Austro-Hungarian Cavalry WWI

Pack-horse of a cavalry machine gun detachment; members of these and the telegraph detachments were…

The War of Austrian Succession: 1740-1748 – In Italy

The death of the Chevalier de Belle-Isle, Battle of Assietta. In October 1740, Emperor Charles…

Austria’s Opening Disasters – WWI

Austria’s decision for war against Serbia was not a product of fatalism, fecklessness, or incompetence.…