
Austria-Hungary Air Force WWI

Air Warfare Austria 7 Min Read

In many respects, the D.I was a good combat aircraft. It was reasonably fast, had excellent flying characteristics and maneuverability, and could reach higher altitudes than most of its adversaries. In addition, it was provided with a roomy and comfortable cockpit which gave a good field of view. Despite those desirable features, the new Aviatik fighter wasn’t greeted with enthusiasm…


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Austria Battle Germany Prussia 20 Min Read


At Borna, Frederick the Great and his staff develop their battle plan, as illustrated by Hugo Ungewitter To the Prussians’ disbelief, their infantry could calmly dress their lines after their march and advance almost unnoticed. Drawing up in line, their first volley caused the startled Württembergers to break and flee.…

Austria Battle Ottoman 11 Min Read


Eugene of Savoy at the Battle of Belgrade by Johann Gottfried Auerbach. Date: 15 June-22 August 1717 Location: modern Yugoslavia There is no doubt that the blood which is going to flow on both sides will fall like a curse upon you, your children and your children’s children until the…

Austria Battle Russia 27 Min Read

Galicia 1914 Part I

The German VIII Army in East Prussia had won, at least partly because sense had been imposed on it. The army was small enough to be controlled. The invasion-routes, the lines of retreat, and the possible areas of riposte had been clearly marked-out; there was a railway-system that allowed transport…

Austria Battle Russia 26 Min Read

Galicia 1914 Part II

Conrad hints, in his memoirs—and other writers have gone further—that the railway-technicians behaved incompetently. This was unfair: the railway-technicians had simply behaved according to a plan that Conrad had prescribed for them. II Army did, in fact arrive in Galicia on schedule—about the 24th day of mobilisation—although with a few…

Austria Battle Russia 21 Min Read

Galicia 1914 Part III

This subtraction of strength on the eastern side allowed Conrad to hope for victory on the northern one. Here there was, in Conrad’s words, ‘a happy beginning’. The three corps of the Russian IV Army advanced onto Austrian territory. Their cavalry-screen failed to reconnoitre; the army’s passage was obscured by…

Austria Battle France Russia 41 Min Read

‘We Are Heroes After All, Aren’t We?’*

Capture of a French regiment’s eagle by the cavalry of the Russian guard, by Bogdan Willewalde (1884) Northern Flank: Austerlitz 2 December 1805 While Vandamme’s division dispersed the final remnants of IV Column from the plateau, Saint-Hilaire’s battle for control of the Pratzeberg still raged. At about 11.00am Langeron, still…

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WWI Austro-Hungarian Small Arms Part I

Roth-Steyr Models 1907 and 1912 Austria-Hungary finally moved to replace its aging Rast-Gasser revolvers with…

Austro-Hungarian Cavalry WWI

Pack-horse of a cavalry machine gun detachment; members of these and the telegraph detachments were…

The War of Austrian Succession: 1740-1748 – In Italy

The death of the Chevalier de Belle-Isle, Battle of Assietta. In October 1740, Emperor Charles…

Austria’s Opening Disasters – WWI

Austria’s decision for war against Serbia was not a product of fatalism, fecklessness, or incompetence.…