
Post War German Submarine Legacy

Naval Shipbuilding 16 Min Read

In the fall of 1945, the victorious Allies faced a series of issues. The first was the newly developed atomic bomb and what it portended for future wars, and specifically if in time atomic power could not only be harnessed to propel submarines, but to deliver atomic weapons from them. The second was the growing tension between the United States,…


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Medieval Sail Shipbuilding 18 Min Read

Shipbuilding Northern Europe

A Check-List Of The Currently Known Shipbuilding Details Of The Varied Traditions Of Planked Vessel Construction Likely To Be Seen In The Channel And North Sea In The Early Medieval Period Key features of Anglo-Saxon planked construction Vessels were built around a central back bone timber or keel, with overlapping…

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The Chinese War Junk I

Junk is a type of ancient Chinese sailing ship that is still in use today.…

American Civil War Ironclads

At the outset both sides were militarily weak. The North did have a clear advantage…


Early medieval Europeans received from their predecessors two broad ranges of wooden shipbuilding traditions, one…

Early Athenian Ships I

Athenians had been seafarers since earliest times, but their ventures were always overshadowed by maritime…