
The Origins of Aerial Reconnaissance II

Air Warfare Intell 15 Min Read

Frederick Sidney Cotton Alarmed by the rise of Adolf Hitler and the advent of the Luftwaffe, the Royal Air Force pioneered covert, peacetime aerial reconnaissance in the late 1930s. British Squadron Leader Fred W. Winterbotham of the Air Ministry successfully convinced British and French officials of the need to reconnoiter German military installations. Eventually, Winterbotham contacted Frederick Sydney Cotton, an…


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Intell 6 Min Read

CIA operations in Southeast Asia

Lockheed A-12 CIA involvement in Southeast Asia lasted for nearly two decades, from the mid-1950s through 1973. Though the U. S. government and many of its entities were blamed for America’s ultimate failure in Southeast Asia, the Agency performed credibly, often conducting operations outside of its sphere of responsibility. In…

Germany Intell Warship 12 Min Read

Type XXIs and Western Intelligence

By January 1945, the Allies were deeply concerned about a renewed U-boat offensive that might seriously imperil the ground offensive toward Germany from the west. President Roosevelt in his State of the Union address on January 6 had stressed the possibility of a renewed U-boat offensive. Three days later, Roosevelt…

Intell 5 Min Read

Cipher Machines

The Lorenz SZ42 machine with its covers removed. The rotor principle was discovered independently by inventors in several countries, the most famous being German engineer Arthur Scherbius (1878–1929). Scherbius invented a three-rotor cipher machine, the Enigma, in 1918 (the last year of World War I). Scherbius tried unsuccessfully to sell…

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Military Communication, the Korean and Vietnam Wars (1945-1975)

The SAGE building at McGuire Air Force Base, circa 1958. On the far left are…

The First Secret Missions over Great Britain

In the mid-1930s, the German high command was dominated by the view that the main…

KH-11/CRYSTAL program

The KH-11/CRYSTAL program had progressed to the point where it would soon become America’s sole…

The 46th and 72nd Reconnaissance Squadrons’ operations in the Arctic: 1946

The winters at Ladd Field were always severe, and sometimes exceptionally so. Every month of…