World War II

Khalkin-Gol, The Least Known Most Important Battle of World War II

World War II 5 Min Read

The battle of Khalkin-Gol is rarely mentioned in the lists of significant battles of the 20th century, but it has had a profound effect on the course of that century. This battle was fought between the Russians and the Japanese in the year 1939 and was extremely significant in the eventual Allied victory over the Axis powers in World War…


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World War II 5 Min Read

Khalkin-Gol, The Least Known Most Important Battle of World War II

The battle of Khalkin-Gol is rarely mentioned in the lists of significant battles of the 20th century, but it has had a profound effect on the course of that century. This battle was fought between the Russians and the Japanese in the year 1939 and was extremely significant in the…

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Khalkin-Gol, The Least Known Most Important Battle of World War II

The battle of Khalkin-Gol is rarely mentioned in the lists of significant battles of the…