
Seven Years’ War: Swedes Launch Their Last Offensive I

Baltic History Prussia 25 Min Read

Major-General Wilhelm Sebastian von Belling’s campaign Pomerania in 1761 against the Swedes. At the Northern Front, the Campaign 1761 had been a more involved one than usual, for the most part. The Prussian posts at the start of the campaign were: at Anklam, stood Major Alexander Friedrich Knobelsdorf, with three companies; at Demmin, Lieutenant Colonel Golz was present with I.…


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Crusader Sieges of Vilnius

Lithuanian Grand-Duke JagieĹ‚Ĺ‚o’s brothers wanted heavier cannons to oppose the Teutonic Knights’ new weapons, but since gun carriages did not exist yet the heavy weapons could only be transported by water. Because the Teutonic Knights controlled the lower reaches of the Nemunas River, the only route from Poland to Lithuania…

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Tallinn disaster

Soviet cruiser Kirov protected by smoke during evacuation of Tallinn in August 1941. Bombs start to fall near ships moored in Tallinn for the evacuation. Reval Hafen 1.9.1941 (Tag der Eroberung) The Port of Tallinn on 1 September 1941 after having been seized by the Germans. Admiral Vladimir F. Tributs.…

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Battle of the Asiago Plateau and the Piave River, July 1918

Austro-Hungarian Emperor Karl’s promise of a two-pronged offensive flew in the face of warnings that Field Marshal Boroević (his new rank) had sent to the high command since the end of March. Karl and his chief of staff hoped to make Rome negotiate, and enlarge their spoils when Germany won…

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The final and decisive Egyptian battle in Asia, a turning point equal to that of Megiddo under Thutmose III, took place in year five of Ramesses II at the city of Kadesh in central Syria. Yet this was the second northern campaign of Ramesses II because a preparatory advance had…

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The Victory of the Covenant?

Cromwell after the Battle of Marston Moor By the time of John Pym’s death from disease in early December 1643 much of the architecture of Parliament’s eventual victory was in place, and he must take a large share of the credit for that. A military alliance with the Covenanters, in…

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Blocking a Blitzkrieg: the battle of Vevi, 10–13 April 1941 Part II

The well-equipped and highly motivated fanatics of the SS descended on Vevi with great speed. In countering them, Vasey’s problems at Vevi were prodigious: the Allied position lacked both depth and fixed defences, the weather was poor, and many of his units were tired from the route marches needed to…

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Battle of Bagradas: Regulus’s defeat: Libya 255 BC. 255–245 BC Carthaginian Empire              Spartan mercenary…


Major-General Pajari, unaware that he is standing in a minefield on a makeshift speaker’s podium,…

7–12 June 1807: The Battle of Heilsberg

The Battle of Hellsberg, 10 June 1807. This is Wilson’s battle map of 1810, clearly…


It is truly ironic that the most numerous units of foreign nationals raised by the…