
Battle of Enzheim (Ensheim or Entzheim), (October 4, 1674)

Austria Battle France Wargame 3 Min Read

Turenne marching with his troops. The Battle of Enzheim was fought on 4 October 1674 near Entzheim in present-day Alsace between the French Royal Army under the command of the Vicomte de Turenne on one side and Imperial Army of the Holy Roman Empire on the other side during the Franco-Dutch War. Despite the Holy Roman Empire’s numerical superiority, it…


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Potsdam Giants by Name!

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Battle of Sekhmen [Sekmen] (1875 BC)

Hereditary archers and menfat “shock troops” were supported by conscripts. The centre of the battle line would consist of massed close fighters in columns or deep lines, supported by massed archer formations. Archers and close combat troops formed up in separate bodies. The archers were to discharge a heavy volume…

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Battle of Fraustadt

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French And Spanish Admirals – Trafalgar Campaign

Spanish Admiral Federico Gravina at Trafalgar. French and Spanish admirals who held key appointments during the Trafalgar campaign. Barham’s ‘opposite number’ was the much younger Denis Decrès. Born of a noble family in 1761, he joined the French Navy at the relatively late age of 18. As a junior officer…

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Second Breitenfeld, (November 2, 1642)

Lennart Torstenson’s military campaign in 1642. LINK Torstensson’s War (1643-1645). In 1643 Christian IV of Denmark contemplated re-entering the German war, this time in alliance with the Habsburgs. As that would seriously jeopardize the Swedish strategic position Oxenstierna decided to pre-empt: he recalled Lennart Torstensson and the main Swedish Army…

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Battle of Fraustadt

Carl Gustaf Rehnskiöld (6 August 1651 – 29 January 1722) Marshal Johann Matthias von der…

STORM OVER TAIERZHUANG: The Samurai Stalingrad 1938

Japanese troops. Chinese Troops. On January 26, 1938, the Japanese launched their offensive towards Xuzhou…

Battle of Sekhmen [Sekmen] (1875 BC)

Hereditary archers and menfat “shock troops” were supported by conscripts. The centre of the battle…

The loss of Prince of Wales and Repulse

HMS Repulse by Jaap Pluimgraaff Prince of Wales under Attack The Japanese strategists had a…